Date of recording:



49:42 min

About the Speaker

Xiaobo Lü, Professor of Political Science at Barnard College, Columbia University and Founding Director of Columbia Global Centers, East Asia.

Slides for Classroom Use

Ten Things You Need to Know about China in the 21st Century – PowerPoint [6 MB]

Background Reading and Classroom Material

NCTA Videos [NCTA]
20-40 minute videos on the NCTA website. See China topics, in particular: Xi Jinping’s Reform Agenda, Demographic Change in Contemporary China, China’s Changing Grand Strategy, Dissecting the Rise of China: China’s Rise, Regional Security, and Domestic Reform.

Worsening Sino-Japanese Relations: Implications for the U.S. [USC US-China Institute]
50 min video presentation with visuals by David Arase on changing Sino-Japanese relations and their dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands.

The Road to Beijing [SPICE/Stanford]
Short NBC documentary on Beijing Olympics and Teacher’s Guide. 2007.

The Umbrella Movement: Protests in Hong Kong [Choices Program]
Class readings, video on young protester, and background. 2014.

Asia by Era – China: 21st Century [AFE]

China’s Geography [AFE]

Timelines of Chinese History and Dynasties [AFE]

A Chronology of the PRC under Mao Zedong (1949-1976) [AFE]

Central Themes for a Unit on China [AFE]

Primary Sources with DBQ on China [AFE]

Elementary Level Resources on China [AFE]